Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Healing And Medicinal Powers Of Pure

Nutritional Benefits Of Honey
 RAW, unstrained, unfiltered and unheated honey obtained directly from the beehive contains some pollen and small particles of beeswax and is the best form of honey. 
  However, the particulate material can be removed by passing the honey through a mesh material without removing the pollen, and this is called filtered honey.
Pure and unadulterated honey does not grow mold, therefore, it is free of preservatives, artificial flavours or colorants and it keeps best if stored in a dry cool place and in a tightly covered container to prevent it from absorbing moisture or odours from the air. 
  Most of the honeys sold in supermarkets are ultra-filtered and heat-treated. These processes of purification remove all solids particles and pollen grains and make the honey to appear very bright and clear. 
  However, they destroy most of the essential nutrients present in pure honey. 
  With the increased demands for honey, our markets today are flooded with all kinds of artificial or adulterated honey. It is, therefore, imperative to mention here that there are several ways of detecting the purity of honey, the most common method being to drop a spoon of pure honey in a glass of water.   
  Adulterated honey dissolves easily in water, while pure honey does not. 
  Another method is to dip a cotton wick or bud into the honey. Pure honey burns when the wick is lighted with a matchstick. The presence of water in the adulterated honey will not allow the wick to burn.
  It is equally important to point out here that, depending on the source, if pure honey is stored in a very cool place, one of the natural sugar content may crystallise and precipitate and this may be mistaken for adulteration. The precipitates, however, disappear at warm temperature if the honey is pure.
  Pure honey is composed of water, predigested carbohydrates- glucose, fructose, protein, fatty acids, enzymes, organic acids, antimicrobial compounds, hormones, vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B-groups like the B-complex, Riboflavin (Vitamin. B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Pantothenic acid (B5) Vitamin B6, Folate (Vitamin. B9) and Thiamin, 28 different minerals including calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, iodine, sodium, copper, manganese, etc. 
  Honey has no fat or cholesterol. It has no substitute and is the best sweetener ever known to man. It is twice as sweet as table sugar. Four teaspoons of pure honey is approximately equivalent to five teaspoons of white table sugar. Therefore, only a small amount of pure honey is needed at a time. 
  Honey is added to various foods and beverages, such as tea, used as a spread on breads, in baking whole wheat bread and cakes to keep them moist and improves their quality.
  Honey aids digestion, promotes peristaltic movement and helps in protecting the mucous membrane lining the entire length of the gastro-intestinal system from the irritant effects of the digestive juice or substances that could give rise to inflammatory reaction along the digestive tracts.
  It, therefore, helps in preventing most of the disease affecting the digestive system, such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastroenteritis, anal fistula and hemorrhoids. 
A Natural Source of Fast Energy 
THE natural sugars (carbohydrates) present in honey are already broken down and require little or no digestion and are easily assimilated into the bloodstream within 20 minutes of ingestion. 
  Honey is, therefore, a natural source of fuel for quick energy. A teaspoon of pure honey is believed to be capable of providing the body with about 64 calorie of energy as soon as it is consumed. 
  It is on record that in the ancient times, athletes and other sports men and women drank pure and unadulterated honey in water to enhance their performance.
  Pure, unrefined and unheated honey is an excellent food supplement for those recovering from ill-health (it helps in building up wasted or damaged body tissues). 
  It serves as a useful nutritive and rejuvenating tonic for adults and children, pregnant women and nursing mothers and those that suffering chronic fatigue syndrome. 
  It is recommended as a supplementary diet when treating anemia associated with iron or B-complex deficiency. 
  Honey is very rich in all the blood-building nutrients. It is one of the foods that nourishes and builds up the entire central nervous systems. 
  It enhances the functions of the brain and memory and prevents senility at an old age when it is taken regularly.
  When taken regularly, pure honey will improve the motility and production of spermatozoa. 
  Studies have shown that when taken with “pap” made from cornstarch or Quaker oats, honey will increase the secretion of seminal fluid (the nourishing and protective medium for sperm cells).
  Honey helps in promoting sexual endurance and increases male youthful virility, as well as rejuvenates the entire human reproductive organs in both male and female sexes. 
Diabetics And Honey
DIABETES is regarded as a degenerative disease of the pancreas, arising from a combination factors, such as poor, unwholesome, faulty nutrition and life style. 
  Among these factors, excessive consumption of refined (white) table sugar is thought to have the most destructive effects on the pancreas and is the most important cause of diabetes. 
  That is the main reason why diabetes mellitus was called sugar diabetes in most rural communities of the world. The name, sugar diabetes, summed it all up. 
  It is on record, however, that for market and profit reasons and to conceal the health implications of table sugar on human body, the influential sugar industries lobbied and probably bribed the health industry to drop the word “sugar” from original name “sugar diabetes” and the disease became diabetes mellitus.
  Apart from “sugar diabetes,” Nancy Appleton (PhD), the author of the book Lick the Sugar Habit, listed 78 ways in which refined white sugar can ruin our health.
  It is known that white sweeteners overwhelm the activities of certain vital organs in the human body, upsetting mineral and hormonal balance, etc, which may trigger numerous health problems, like arthritis, circulatory, candidacies (thrush), weak eyesight, cataract, tooth decay, just to mention but a few. 
  Unlike most of the artificial sweeteners, a minimal use of pure and unadulterated honey by the diabetics may not cause a spike in blood sugar levels.   
  However, it is important to mention again that pure honey contains pre-digested simple carbohydrates, such as glucose.
  Fructose (laevulose), which is monosaccharides, enters the bloodstream directly and rapidly when consumed in excess and may, therefore, react like those of refined table sugar in diabetic conditions.   
  Consequently, those suffering from diabetes mellitus are advised to use honey with care and in moderation, just as is applicable with the very sweet fruits, like pineapples, mangoes, etc.
To be continued.

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