Friday, September 4, 2020


I often get people who come to me and they want to start their affiliate marketing business, but they feel their lack of results and their boring life is going to prevent them from getting sales.

I can understand why they might think like this because when I started I had a lot of these beliefs myself.

When you start out online you see people like myself who can travel the world, have tons of social proof from helping other people and we make things look easy.

Then you look at yourself and your lack of results and think “why would anyone listen to me?”.

Well, I can tell you that from personal experience that you don’t need income screenshots to get sales.

And you don’t 🙅‍♂️ need to travel the world 🌍 or have an epic lifestyle to get sales.

99% of my content was valuable posts sharing tips and my lifestyle content was pictures with my family just showing people I’m a normal person just like them.

I share a lot of my travels ✈️ and lifestyle now, but I want you to understand that it is not what is going to get people to buy products from you.

When you play the role of the relatable beginner you focus all your content on what your audience wants, needs, and cares about.

Your goal is to simply provide valuable tips to help your audience so they look at you as their trusted advisor.

People are not robots 🤖 and they don’t buy products because the sales page is amazing. They buy from people they Know, Like and Trust.

When your content is focused on your audience and not yourself then you don’t need income screenshots, travel pics, and social proof.

Understand people don’t care about you they care about themselves and how you can help them.

So if you want to get people buying from you then this is what you do:

 Focus on giving as much free value as you can.

You should be focusing all of your content on what people want to learn, struggle with, or what they need help with.

Your #1 goal every day should be how can I help other people get what they want not how can I get someone to buy something from me.

When you truly are sincere and doing your best to help other people they will “feel it” and they will attract to you and they will start to open up to the idea of purchasing products you recommend.

You have to really care about other people to be successful. You can’t just show up, make a few posts and people start buying from you.

People are naturally skeptical from all the BS people teach on the internet so you have to show them you’re different and you’re someone they can trust.

If you don’t know what content to create then look at successful people in your industry and model them. Don’t over-complicate this!

 Guide them to the solution to their problem.

The only way you will make money is by giving people the opportunity to become a customer.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you do not need to be the one who is the expert, you don’t need to have helped anyone get results and you don’t need results yourself.

So once you start attracting your audience then you need to guide them to the product or the person who can help them.

When you’re a beginner don’t try to get creative by doing advanced marketing methods. You want to plug into what works.

The easiest way to get sales is to recommend people to your mentor or the product you’re promoting and rely on their sales process.

Keep things simple and you can scale your income much faster.

 Show up daily and remain consistent regardless of your results (Extremely Important!)

If you want to be successful with affiliate marketing and make the big bucks then don’t focus on the result of getting a sale, focus on mastering the process of creating your content, attracting your audience and guiding people to the solution to their problems.

You don’t need income screenshots, social proof, or lifestyle shots to make sales.

You need to focus on the people you’re trying to help and guiding them to the solution that can help them.

As you grow, as you get results and once you have a cool lifestyle then leverage it, but it’s not needed 😊

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