Monday, August 31, 2020


If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. For those of you who don't know, I'm an ardent follower of Brendon Burchard. For the ones that don't know him, Brundon Burchard is a New York Times best selling author and one of the words leading high performance coaches. In one of his podcasts he stressed the importance of developing this high performance habits and I'm going to share them with you so you can start implementing them right away. 

1. SEEK CLARITY - this means that you need to ask more questions, read more, learn more to have a clear idea of what you are trying to accomplish & how you are going to do it. For those of you who have booked consultation with me or anyone else you are already seeking clarity, you are on the right path. 

2. GENERATE ENERGY - be alive, be exciting & be motivated. Power plants generate energy & we are power plants, you don't just need energy for yourself but you need to project energy to everything around you. To your family, your friends, your clients/customers, your business etc. Have you ever been around someone that exudes energy? When you are around them, you instantly become more alive, more happy, more motivated; that's who you need to become. 

3. PRIORITIZE NECESSITY - ask yourself what's absolutely necessary that you serve with excellence today, who needs me on my end game; my clients, my family, what is your why? To be successful you need to prioritize necessity so you always have something pushing you forward even when times are hard. 

4. INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY - procrastination & lack of productivity is the number one killer of businesses worldwide, I remember when I first started, majority of my hours were wasted scrolling through social media & engaging in conversation that weren't helpful. So how do we stop procrastination? This may sound like a cliche but it's as simple as getting rid of all distractions, schedule block time when you are going to work. You can download website and ad blockers which will block all those notifications & keep you away from those distractions until you get shit done. Identify outputs that matters the most & obsess yourself with it, other things can wait. 

5. DEVELOP INFLUENCE - high performance people teach other people how to think, they are role models. Every single thing you do online, from a Facebook status to an Instagram post is influencing people so make sure you are intentional with your influence. Everybody is an influencer in their own way, the only difference is the size of their fan base. This one is very important because your potential customers/clients will eventually check you out so make sure you are portraying the right image from onset. Engage in Facebook groups, provide value in your profile, ask questions & provoke responses to get people engaging with your profile/page. Be someone whom your clients wants to work with before even meet you, be a person of influence. 

6 DEMONSTRATE COURAGE - you need to listen through the fear, when we first start a new adventure, it's natural to be overwhelmed with fear; the fear of failure & the best way to overcome this is by listening through the fears. Listen to what you are told, listen to what you know, listen to what others have done before you. For example, you are cold messaging people and you are not getting responses back, it doesn't mean that your scripts doesn't work, it doesn't mean that social media marketing doesn't work. If it was so, why will there be so many millionaires that made it using social media marketing?. The only difference between them and you is that they listened through the fear, trusted the process, carried on relentlessly and demonstrated courage. That is it guys, the six high performance habits that will transform your business. 
Take note & implement.... Cheers to your continuous success. 

 ©Comrade Chizitere Kevin Nwaobiala. 
💱Digital Entrepreneur/Infoprenor, 💻IT Professional & Blockchain Consultant. 
🔥A Mentor & Political Scientist.


(What you need to know as a small/medium sized business owner to improve your brand/business appeal).
 Advertising for me is making average things for average people and screaming about it enough that the masses in the middle decides they need it. Marketing is not that, marketing is about what you make/sell, how you make it, the stories you tell. Your local church does marketing, even your local non-profit does marketing. If you need people to take Covid-19 seriously, you need to do marketing. I like to see the global climate change as a marketing challenge rather than a technology or science challenge. 
Do you know why? We have done a bad job in helping people understand their choices. Advertising is the art of making your products/service known to a market place or an audience while advertising has to do with both research and practice. Marketing takes into consideration market research to uncover consumer behavior that enables you come up with stories that will resonate with your target audience/marketplace while advertising involves creatives like design and multimedia production. 
In marketing research is used to gather data to support your marketing efforts, it let's you know when and where to place your advertising. As a small/medium business owner, do you use data to support your advertising to ensure it converts well?

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