Friday, September 14, 2012

Barack Obama’s doctor says he is smokefree

Barack Obama’s doctor says he is smoke-free

Real Obama smoking photo from college
Real Obama smoking photo
President Barack Obama’s doctor came out this week and announced the president is in good shape physically adding that he is smokefree.
According to the article:
 Obama, who chewed nicotine gum, appears to have quit smoking entirely — an achievement his wife, Michelle Obama, announced earlier this year. And his cholesterol is now described as “ideal.”
So, next time some right-wing troll gives you shit about Obama and smoking, point to this article. He is no longer a smoker and hasn’t been for more than a year.
Fake Obama smoking photo


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Do you know that smoking habit is really a group of habits??????????

Your smoking habit is really a group of habits.

Your smoking habits are really 2 different habits: (1) the physical craving for nicotine that makes you want to keep smoking, and (2) the psychological craving to repeat cigarette smoking routines that have become comforting and familiar. Nicotine addiction gets us to associate cigarettes with people, places, activities, even moods. This helps to explain why the habit of smoking while driving or talking on the phone becomes second nature.

Why nicotine addiction causes your brain to link smoking with certain situations.

Nicotine addiction makes associations that reinforce your dependence on tobacco. Your brain is making sure to connect daily routines with cravings to keep getting a steady flow of nicotine. So you're actually fighting a battle on two fronts — physical and psychological. Understanding both is the key to changing your behavior and starting a new life as a non-smoker.
First you need to deal with your nicotine cravings, and that's where Nicorette® can help you right away. Then you'll be able to focus on separating smoking from your other daily activities. See our Quit Smoking Timeline for Trigger Solutions and other helpful tips and suggestions on how to handle the temptation to smoke.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy, such as Nicorette stop smoking products, increase your chance of success by relieving your nicotine cravings, allowing you to focus your willpower on changing your behavior. 

NO TIME!!!  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quitting Smoking Success Stories

Quitting Smoking Success Stories

Quitting smoking is such exciting news that you'll want to tell the world about it. Here are some inspirational quit smoking success stories where successful quitters share some of their experiences. If you'd like to add your own smoking cessation success story, tell us your story of quit smoking success using Dataimpact® and you might inspire someone else to give up cigarettes. Contact us

How to Quit Smoking

Quitting is a process, not an event.

Can you actually learn how to quit smoking? The good news is yes. You can take techniques that have made quitting easier for many people and apply them to your daily life. If you've tried quitting before, you know that when you quit, it's not like turning off a light switch. In fact, it might take several attempts before you quit for good. But every time you try to quit you're learning more about what works for you. It helps to understand that your addiction to smoking involves both a physical craving for nicotine and a psychological craving for the comfort of holding a cigarette during certain activities. To learn how to quit smoking, you'll need to know how to manage these two kinds of cravings. This section is your introduction to both of them.
Dataimpact® has family of stop smoking products to help you deal with your cravings. In addition, we have created this detailed guide for you on how to quit smoking that goes beyond managing your cravings. This guide is designed to help you through every step of your quit attempt. You'll find numerous tools and resources including an in-depth timeline that breaks down what quitters can expect over the course of their quit and the best way to manage the challenges that arise at the different stages of quitting. In addition, you'll find helpful tips and checklists, information on your smoking habits, managing weight, coping with stress and much more, including a Dataimpact® plan that lets you build a quitting approach around your lifestyle and habits. So you can learn how to quit smoking for good*.

What you need to know about quitting smoking:


quit smoking now

Reasons to Stop Smoking
  • To look better and to feel better
  • To stop breathing the harmful toxins in tobacco smoke
  • To lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and other smoking related conditions
  • To be free of nicotine addiction
  • Family and friends won't be exposed to my secondary smoke
  • Less coughing, colds, flu, and chest infections
  • To feel good about myself for quitting
  • To breathe easier
 smoking can cause fatal lung cancer

We offer Guidance and Advice to help you deal with all aspects of quitting smoking.

You Could Be Smoke Free Today!
Statistics show the program has an incredible 90+% success rate. Our three-step approach using the laser treatment,
guidance, advice, and 24 hour helpline has achieved very impressive results. Major hospitals, corporations, and
individuals from around the country have testified to our incredible results.
During treatment, a Wellness Laser Therapy technician will help you deal with all aspects of quitting smoking.

Use this chart to find out how much you've puffed away.
Cigarettes Per Day
One Month
Six Months
One Year
Five years
*20 cigarettes equal one pack.
Cost based on $6.50 per pack.
     poisons in a cigarette