Thursday, September 10, 2009


"Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." -- Mark Twain
From the researches I‘ve made ,If Mark Twain were alive today, he could have been more successful in his efforts to quit smoking -- thanks to what modern science has learned about smoking cessation. And the American Council on Science and Health is a consumer education consortium with a board of 350 physicians, scientists, and policy advisors.
In Twain's time -- and for several decades after his death in 1910 -- many people thought of smoking tobacco as merely a habit, and they believed that quitting was simply a matter of individual choice and will power. Smoking was not then widely recognized as addictive, but we know now that it can be a strong addiction and that for many smokers will power alone is not enough to give up tobacco permanently.
In recent years, researchers have learned a great deal about the factors that help people quit smoking successfully, the barriers that may interfere with smoking cessation, and the special problems faced by particular populations – including adults and teenagers. Scientists have also developed new techniques for smoking cessation -- including both drugs and counseling methods -- that substantially increase the chances of success.

If you have a friend or relative who would like to stop smoking, you might want to suggest that the person to meet a doctor's appointment to talk about quitting. People often don't think of going to their doctors for advice in this situation, perhaps because they don't consider smoking to be a medical problem, but doctors are actually a very useful resource. They usually know about organized stop-smoking programs in the community, and they can prescribe medicines that can help a person quit smoking successfully. The fact to stop smoking lies with you. I mean you are the one the make up your mind to quit smoking. Because, ‘’Self Determination leads to success’’. And it’s by God grace that one can stop smoking. So one needs to give his life to Christ. Give your life to Christ and you will see how its so easy to quit smoking.
All these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us Rom.8:37
Counseling and medication -- especially if they're used together -- can increase the likelihood that a smoker will be able to quit permanently. However, even with these types of help, quitting smoking is difficult. Everyone who has ever quit smoking will tell you that quitting is one of the toughest things they have ever done. The best way to avoid facing this tough problem, of course, is never to start smoking to begin with.
Stopping smoking is one of the most important and most challenging lifestyle changes an individual can make. Considering the many health, social, and economic benefits of quitting it is in the smoker's best interest to quit. More than 45 million Americans have liberated themselves from smoking, so it is possible to quit -- and quit for good.
This section of the website is based on a report by the American Council on Science and Health (Kicking Butts in the 21st Century) that summarizes what science has learned about smoking cessation -- with an emphasis on methods that have been proven to work. The report also describes some new smoking cessation techniques that are currently under development and evaluates some alternative methods that have been advocated as aids to smoking cessation. This report is not intended as a stop-smoking guide; instead, it is best used as a source of background information to complement the stop-smoking advice available from local and national health organizations, government agencies, and physicians.

Smoking is especially bad for your respiratory system. When you smoke a cigarette, you inhale the smoke into your lungs. This means that your lungs are directly exposed to the 4,000 toxic substances in cigarette smoke. These substances can impair your lungs' ability to function and interfere with the mechanisms that protect your lungs against disease.

The warning labels on cigarette packages don't mention anything about your bones, but they should. Cigarette smoking can cause serious problems with your bones. Smoking weakens your bones, and this can cause you to develop a disease called osteoporosis as you grow older. But that isn't all that smoking can do. It can also cause problems with your bones right now -- especially if you break a bone or need bone surgery.
The bones can also be harmed directly by toxic substances from tobacco smoke. These substances travel from the lungs, through the bloodstream, to all parts of the body -- including the bones. Substances in tobacco smoke that can damage your bones include nicotine (the drug in tobacco that makes it addictive) and carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide (two poisonous gases that rob your body of oxygen).

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