Monday, August 24, 2009


1 Health Effects
As you know from the warning labels on cigarette packages, "cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health." This has to rank as one of the most profound understatements in human history. It is a health disaster of a magnitude that could never be summarized in a little warning box on a label -- that's why the American Council on Science and Health decided to make this website.

Read this health effects section to learn the many ways in which tobacco harms your body. Select any of the links below to start -- you'll be surprised at the multitude of ways in which smoking affects your body and at the number of diseases it can cause.
For responses to common myths about smoking, you may want to check out our FAQ page first.
The body system affected:
Respiratory system (lungs)
Skeletal system (bones)
Muscular system (muscles, joints)
Circulatory system (heart, arteries)
Urinary system (kidneys, bladder)
Digestive system (stomach, intestines)
Nervous system (brain, nerves)
Endocrine system (thyroid, hormones)
Female reproductive system (uterus, ovaries)
Male reproductive system (penis, testes)
Immune system (t-cells, anti-bodies)
The senses (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat)
Mental health
Smoking is not a good habit; try to stop it now. We have design this page to help those that does not know the harm in smoking to know it now and quit today. I have always which all the youths, adults to quit smoking because smoking kills. That’s also the reason why in every label of a box of the Federal Ministry of Health warns that Smokers are liable to die young...Oh my brothers and sister, Smoking tobacco/ cigarette, marijuana or taking any other harmful drugs is very dangerous to your health.
Quit Smoking today and reason well in this livelihood.
We are here to help you quit smoking. I know it’s not ease to stop smoking. An adage said that ‘’TRYING TIMES ARE NOT THE TIME TO STOP TRYING’’. But you can do with smoking. Call on us any time. We are here to give you the steps on how to stop smoking.
A lot of people are testifying with our journal for giving them the helping hand to quit smoking for life…
Register today and get the legal information and counseling.
Call Us:+2347039100332.